Untuk Orang Tua Waspada,,Tertelan Biji Rambutan, Bocah 4 Tahun Meninggal Dunia

CLAY Requella Markus Bocah perempuan warga Lemoh, Tobariri Timur, Minahasa berumur 4 Tahun meninggal dunia akibat tertelan biji pada Jumat (02/11) kemarin.
Bermula saat balita ini memakan buah rambutan sendiri. Tanpa sengaja biji rambutan tertelan dan berhenti di tenggorokan hingga susah bernafas.
Sempat di bawa ke puskesmas hingga ke RS Prof Kandou namun nyawa bocah perempuan tersebut tak sempat tertolong hingga dinyatakan meninggal dunia pada sore harinya.
Kejadian serupa juga pernah terjadi di Jambi pada bulan Juni kemarin. Seorang balita berusia 3 tahun bernama Rendi tewas usai menelan biji rambutan.
Berawal saat Rendy bersama ibunya memang sedang makan rambutan yang berbuah berada di sekitar rumah korban. Entah bagaimana saat diketahui korban sudah menelan biji rambutan itu dan tersangkut di tenggorokan korban.
Keluarga sempat berusaha mengeluarkan biji rambutan, sayangnya Rendi tak bisa diselamatkan. (Dil)
Paris truly is one of the most famous cities in the world that millions of people around the world go visit. The city has many new buildings but still most of the buildings that are there are old tradition making it a beautiful place. There are great restaurants, cafes, and more then 145 art galleries and museums. People will always find places to go because Paris is full of life. The top 5 hotels in Paris are: Hotel Chambiges Elysees Ritz Paris Best Western Left Bank Saint Germain Best Western Manoir Saint Germain Westin Paris In my opinion and from what the people have said the hotel Best Western Left Bank Saint Germain is a truly a amazing place that have great service and it is affordable compared to others. The top five restaurants are: Mandala Ray Alcazar Laduree Bermuda Onion Chez Paul Many love Mandala Ray people say it has great food, service, and it's a great experience overall. And when Paris hits night time there are so many places to go dance, great places to visit, theatres to see, beautiful historic places to visit, and much more. Going to Paris is a marvelous experience that you won't forget! My name is Sara Aponte and i was born in the United States. If you would like more information on Europe visit http://europeanvacationsinfo.blogspot.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sara_Aponte/20800 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/170955
