IBU merupakan seorang perempuan yang telah berjuang mempertaruhkan kehidupannya demi anak tercinta. Tak hanya mengandung dan melahirkan anak, ibu juga sepenuh hati membesarkan anak dengan cinta, dimana terkadang ia mengorbankan kebahagiaannya sendiri demi melihat anaknya tersenyum.
Melihat pengorbanan ibu yang begitu besar, wajar rasanya apabila seorang anak harus menyayangi dan menghormati ibunya.
Namun, seorang pria asal Palembang ini jauh dari kata anak yang menyayangi ibunya.
Dikutip dari Nakita, seorang pria bernama Poniman (31) mengamuk kepada ibu dan adiknya pada Senin (05/11). Poniman dikabarkan mengamuk karena tak segera diberi uang yang dia minta.
Elvin (31) selaku adik ipar Poniman menjelaskan mengenai kronologi kejadian.
Peristiwa bermula ketika Poniman datang ke rumah mereka di Jalan Maju Bersama 1 Lorong Musi 8 RT 89 RW 13 Kelurahan Talang Kelapa Kecamatan Alang-Alang Lebar Daun, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan untuk menjual satu ekor ayam.
Ayam itu, dijual Poniman seharga Rp400 ribu kepada Elen (29) adik kandungnya sendiri. Namun, saat itu Elen ternyata tidak memiliki uang sebanyak yang diminta Poniman. Elen hanya mampu memberikan uang sebesar Rp200 ribu.
Ternyata, Poniman tidak terima hanya diberikan uang Rp400 ribu, ia mengamuk dan memaksa adiknya untuk membayar ayamnya sejumlah yang ia inginkan.
Poniman kemudian mengeluarkan pedang dan mengejar adik serta ibu kandungnya sendiri.
Melihat istrinya yang terancam jiwanya, Elvin kemudian berpikir keras untuk menyelamatkannya.
“Istri saya (Elen) dikejar pakai pedang sama ibu mertua saya. Karena takut, saya lempar dia pakai batu lalu terjatuh,” kata Elvin.
Lemparan batu yang dilempar Elvin tepat mengenai kepala Poniman. Karena terkejut dengan lemparan batu yang diterimanya, Poniman terjatuh.
Tak disangka, saat Poniman jatuh ia justru tertancap pedangnya sendiri.
“Tertusuk sendiri, karena pas jatuh pedangnya ke arah perut, jadi kami langsung lapor ke Polisi,” ujarnya.
Wakapolsek Sukarame, AKP Polin Pakpahan mengatakan, Poniman tewas usai tertusuk pedang miliknya.
Poniman meninggal karena luka sayatan yang lebar diperut membuatnya kehabisan darah.
Ulah Poniman ini bisa dibilang ‘senjata makan tuan’.
“Korban ini senjata makan tuan, karena marah dan mengamuk hendak membacok adik dan ibunya ia tewas tertusuk sendiri. Barang bukti berupa pedang korban sudah kami dapatkan,” jelas Polin. (Alz)
When starting a hotel business consider the life and lessons of some of the greatest hoteliers as a source of inspiration. Here are a couple of lessons culled from the lives of two of the most successful hotel entrepreneurs, Conrad Hilton and Cesar Ritz. Conrad Hilton Hilton, born on Christmas Day, 1887, began his career in the legislature of New Mexico, his home state. He served in World War I and started his first inn in New Mexico. He subsequently began buying and starting hotels throughout Texas. Hilton's hotel empire survived losses in the Great Depression and went international after World War II. Hilton was associated with generous charitable giving, but was a shrewd businessman. Hilton is quoted as giving an extremely practical piece of advice to hoteliers: "If you are 100% occupied, you are not charging enough rent." This statement runs against the intuition of a new hotel owner to focus on renting every possible room on every possible night because a room that goes unrented will mean revenue lost forever. Hilton recognized that if you reach that point of 100% occupancy, you are actually losing money. Additional guests are being turned away and the guests in your rooms would have been willing to pay more. Take his advice and seek to maximize revenue per available room and not the occupancy rate of your hotel. Make sure you are spending as much time or resources thinking about pricing as you are about booking guests. Yield management systems with careful monitoring can assist with this. Cesar Ritz Ritz was born in the Goms Valley in Switzerland in 1850, the son of a mountain farmer. He learned the hospitality industry from the bottom up, first waitering at a luxury hotel while in his 20s. He went on to become the restaurant-manager of a hotel and built a reputation as having a knack for entertaining kings and diplomats. He bought and opened numerous hotels before his crowning achievement, the Hotel Ritz Paris. Cesar Ritz opened the Hotel Ritz Paris in 1898 with a celebration. Isn't the opening of your hotel worthy of celebration? Your hotel may not be as ostentatious as the Hotel Ritz, but it will have an important impact for both the staff you employ and the community it will become part of. Hotels build the capacity of a community for tourism and business and can have an extremely positive economic impact. Find a way to celebrate this opening to build relationships for the future. Use the opportunity to invite members of local government, the tourism board, partnering and neighboring businesses, and even other hotels (if they are ever booked up on a given night, wouldn't you like them to refer their customers to your hotel?) so that they can all learn about the services your hotel will offer and see the kind of hospitality your hotel will offer first-hand. Are you looking for more tips on how to start a hotel business? Growthink has developed professional hotel business plans since 1999. Call 800-506-5728 to learn how Growthink can help turn your dreams into reality. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/P._R._Kennedy/267949 Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2531763